Man, where do I begin? My time here in Coastal Star has been filled with nothing but joy, excitement, but most importantly this has been life changing. When I first came here, I didn’t know what to think, I knew I needed the help but had no idea where to start. Over these last few weeks this has forced me to look deep within myself to fight my inner demons, ones that have plagued me my whole life and new ones that have come to light over recent events within the last year. Everyday has brought a new challenge and no two days were the same.
With that said, it’s not all work and no play. I’ve had so much fun getting to know my peers through fun activities. Whether it’s crushing everyone in card games, killing it on the dance floor in hip-hop class, or my favorite – going to the outings and having the time of my life. I loved it all. Coastal Star has brought so many positive changes in my life, no amount of thanks could convey the gratitude I have for this program.
I first want to say thank you to all the staff here, for everything you have done for us. From talking to us one to one if we’re feeling down, giving us medication so we have our head on straight, and providing resources for us when we leave this place. I thank you all and for the help you provided for us.
Second, I want to thank all my peers that I have gotten to know over these past weeks through doing groups together and having fun or on a personal level though hearing about your stories. I will always cherish those memories I have made with everyone. Not to mention because of you guys, I was elected as the first female president of this program. It’s a hard job, I won’t lie, but if I could do it all over again, I would have raised my hand before the person was done speaking.
Finally, I want to say a special thank you to Alicia, my clinician and Ryan the big man that runs the whole program. Alicia, you have gone through my ups and downs, giving me advice and guidance through my struggles and most importantly giving me the strength to speak up to my mother which I have never done in my 22 years of living. Ryan if it wasn’t for you this program couldn’t have come to life. My hope is one day I hope to help people in need like you have done for us, because you have given me a reason to smile again.
As my time here in Coastal Star comes to an end. I want to say a final thank you to everyone that has made my time here the most memorable it could be for my mental health. I’m sad to think I’m going to leave my family for bigger and better things. I know the road ahead of me will be filled with obstacles and hardships, but I know my family will always be in my heart forever and always. I’m ready to accept the challenge in this game we call life and my prize for winning is living my best life and never letting anything or anyone bring me down ever again.
*Photo and name have been changed to protect client privacy.