Services for Individuals, Families & Clients
Providing effective, high-quality services
We offer a variety of services for children, adolescents, families and adults, serving more than 30,000 people each year. The most rewarding part of our work is seeing people overcome tremendous challenges, grow, and change. Our community treatment programs focus on keeping clients with their families. We have been fortunate to be able to utilize parents, relative caregivers, legal guardians, neighbors, and extended families in helping our community treat children and youth.
We are committed to providing services of the highest quality and effectiveness. Just some of our many services include:
- Community-based mental health programs
- Programs for children, adolescents and transitional age youth who face emotional, behavioral, and learning challenges
- Wraparound Services (for the whole family, including “parent partners”)
- It also includes Individual, Family, and Group Therapy
- Crisis Walk-In Centers open 24/7
- Those in crisis who need urgent help may come without an appointment 24/7.
- Community Resource Centers and Drop-In Centers
- Residential Treatment Centers and Psychiatric Health Facilities
- There are several short-term residential facilities for both adolescents and adults where consumers stay for about 30 days to stabilize and receive treatment. We also operate a Youth Psychiatric Health Facility as well as a 60-bed facility for the highest needs children in California.
- Non-public schools and school-based services
- School-based services include school consultation and intervention coordinated with district and local school personnel to achieve effective treatment.
- We operate a non-public school for adolescents who face emotional, behavioral, and learning challenges.
- And many other services, provided in ten different California counties
- Los Angeles County
- Orange County
- San Bernardino County
- Riverside County
- Fresno County
- Santa Clara County
- Alameda County
- Sacramento County
- Stanislaus County
- Merced County
Inspiration, resources and more
Be inspired by the success stories of former clients.
Click for mental health resources and suicide prevention information.
Click to learn more about Stars Behavioral Health Group’s different types of programs.
If you’re not sure how we might be able to help you, give us a call. To find our location closest to you, click here.