About Stars Behavioral Health Group
Stars Company Profile
We serve more than 30,000 children, youth, and families annually throughout the state at more than two dozen program sites.
We employ more than 1,800 behavioral health workers including psychiatrists, psychologists, and medical doctors, social workers, nurses, rehab therapists, counselors, teachers, aides, and a range of paraprofessional staff.
We have more than 45 locations and offer over 50 specialized public mental health programs and a wide array of community-based support services in the following 10 counties:
- Alameda County
- Fresno County
- Los Angeles County
- Merced County
- Orange County
- Riverside County
- Sacramento County
- San Bernardino County
- Santa Clara County
- Stanislaus County
Company History
In 1988, Mary Jane Gross founded MJ Gross and Associates as a mental health services consultation and management company. The company managed several Institutes for the Mentally Disabled (IMDs) for other healthcare organizations. In the early 1990s, we added our first program for adolescents, Harbor View Adolescent Center in Long Beach.
In the mid-90s, we opened the first programs independently owned and operated by our company. They were three intensive treatment centers — Star View Adolescent Center, Oasis Rehabilitation Center, and Stars Adolescent Center. The names reflect that in each county in which we operate, we have formed a separate agency with a unique name to emphasize its focus on being part of the network of care for its county. In 2001, we discontinued providing services under management contracts and changed our parent company name to Stars Behavioral Health Group.
In 1995, Star View Children and Family Services, Inc. (SVCFS) was incorporated as a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization to open and operate Star View Adolescent Center’s Group Home component (now the Star View Community Treatment Facility). SVCFS has gone on to operate wraparound programs in Los Angeles and Santa Clara Counties, along with other social services programs. Some of SVCFS’s programs are integrated with the mental health services provided by SBHG agencies.
In the late 1990s, we began offering an array of in-home and school-based outpatient services to support clients in transitioning from our facilities back into their communities. We now serve thousands of clients in community-based programs provided in homes, on school campuses, and in partnership with other local agencies — including prevention and intensive services programs that are funded by the Mental Health Services Act.
Today we offer a full continuum of community- and facility-based behavioral health and social services programs, as well as special education nonpublic schools and the Stars Training Academy which provides clinical practices trainings throughout the USA, as well as for SBHG agencies’ staffs. Intensive services include day treatment, crisis stabilization, crisis residential treatment, and acute and subacute inpatient treatment. We provide our clinically sound services through contracts with county mental health, child welfare, and juvenile justice departments, as well as with public school districts.
In 2010, SBHG became an (ESOP) Employee Stock Ownership Program and is 100% owned by its employees.
Stars Behavioral Health Group is nationally accredited by The Joint Commission. As a Joint Commission organization, Stars Behavioral Health Group (SBHG) promotes a culture of safety and quality throughout the organization. Click here for more info or to report concerns to The Joint Commission.